Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hogsmead Weekend

Madame Pomfrey was kind enough to see to it that my illness didn't keep me away from the first visit to Hogsmead. She made me promise to bundle up and keep warm and hydrated. My first stop was Zonko's to buy some candy to give to those nasty Slytherin boys that insist on following me around. Then I browsed the Fiber shop looking for the right yarn for the bag for my spoilee, I found a few that I like I just need to find a pattern that they will work with so that I can purchase enough yarn. I spent the end of my visit sipping a cup of warm butter beer at Honey Duke's. I'm strange and like to sit and watch the couples all googly eyed with each other, they can be very entertaining sometimes, especially the boys that don't really want to be there but let the girls brag them there because they have a crush on them.


M.L. Shioda said...

Butterbeer has healing powers just like chocolate, don't you know?

Wisteria Lovegood said...

I sure hope you're feeling better! It sounds like there have been lots of sick 'Puffs recently.