Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hufflepuff House Quiz #1

Just because I get to make up the quiz doesn't keep me from posting the answers. At least with this one I can't be cheated off of...hehe... at least I hope not.

1. Do you knit and/or crochet? I do both. I prefer knitting because I'm faster at it.

2. How long have you been at your craft? That would require me to remember dates and I'm horrible at that. I do remember that I learned to crochet at a church activity as a teen.

3. Do you spin? If yes do you use drop spindle or wheel. Nope

4. What is your favorite color? Any shade of blue from medium to dark, light colors and me don't get along

5. Do you have any other hobbies? Reading (lots of reading), cooking, writing

6. What are your favorite yarns/fibers? I love microfiber yarn, it is so soft and squishy. Any soft yarn is great for me

7. What are your LEAST favorite yarns/fibers?
anything scratchy and itchy feeling

8. Are there any yarns that you’ve been eyeing and wanting to try? These aren't really brands or types but colorwarys: blues, halloween, twilight and Cedric

9. What are you currently working on?
Knucks for my little cousins and my Huffle Scarf I started during HSKS4 (I don't think it will ever end)

10. What is your favorite Finished Object? (Pictures are welcome.) My Hufflepuff Socks and the Coco Bag for my HSKS4 spoilee

11. Are their any knitting/crochet techniques that you would like to learn? I'd like to learn to knit 2 socks at once

12. What is you favorite type of book or movie? Hmmm.... I'll read just about anything that is able to drawn me in, right now my obssesion is vampire romance novels. As for movies I'm a sucker for any girly flick. I'm eagerly awaiting 11/21 for Twilight to be release.

13. Who is your favorite person at Hogwarts? formerly at Hogwarts: Cedric Diggory (what a hottie), currently at Hogwarts: Hagrid

14. Favorite class and/or subject at Hogwarts? Care of Magical Creatures

15. How many family members do you have? The answer would depend on if you are asking about just immediate family, if that is the case then 10.

16. What is your favorite Fall activity? Pumpkin hunting and carving

17. How many projects do you have on your needles/hook? I'd have to find where I have all my project bags stashed to be able to answer this. What I know off the top of my head: Knucks for Nan (1 done), Hufflepuff scarf (halfway there), Transformers Hat (half done),

18. What is your favorite type of footwear? I really prefer to go barefoot but if I have to wear shoes it is usually sandles

19. What is your favorite beverage of choice? Soda (Pepsi preferred but I can be talked into others)

20. What is your favorite part of Half-blood Prince? I like the part where Harry stashes the book in the room of requirement.


Quinn said...

Transformers hat?? Is there a photo on Rav?

Cliodna Trelawney said...

Yes there is Lavender. I'll post on here so you can see. I need to take an updated pic of it anyway.