Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Owls are flying in.

I recieved my owl today with my swap partners information. I have an ambitious Ravenclaw first year as a partner. I'm so excited to get know my partner and start shopping. I wonder if I should aske my mom if she has any exciting sock patterns that I can include in her kit. I might have to ask the Headmistress if I can take a trip to Hogsmead to look for other items to include with the package.

While exploring the grounds I heard that the Ravenclaw common room is soaked. A poor first year was trying to use an Aguamenti charm to pour herself a glass of water, but it backfired and filled the whole room. I feel bad for her but that kind of charm seems to advanced for a first year, I wouldn't of had the guts to gry it out. I'm too scared to try any sort of spells yet, I hope I don't make any mistakes when we start classes because I'll die of embarrassment.

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